Science, Tech, Engineering and Math (STEM) PGWP Eligible

Managers – publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts

British Columbia

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Master's Degree

$75,082.00 CAD

50011 Managers – publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts

Managers in this unit group:

  • Plan, organize and direct operations within publishing firms, film, theatre and record production companies and broadcasting facilities
  • Work for radio and television stations, newspapers, periodical and book publishing firms, and by film, theatre, record and video production companies
Main duties & employment requirements

    Managers in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties:

    • Establish procedures and put into use policies in newspaper and publishing firms, in film, theatre, record and video production companies, and in radio and television stations
    • Plan and maintain production schedules for publications, films, broadcasts, and theatre, record and video productions
    • Prepare and control budgets
    • Hire and supervise staff
    • Consult with government regulatory agencies to evaluate and review programs and policies to ensure conformance to regulations
    • Initiate or approve development of articles, books, films, broadcasts, musical recordings and theatre productions, and communicate with authors, composers, producers and directors

    Ballet company director
    Book publishing manager
    Broadcasting manager
    Broadcasting station manager
    Copyright manager - publishing
    Dance company director

Pr pathways

BC PNP - Tech

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