Science, Tech, Engineering and Math (STEM) PGWP Eligible

Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators

British Columbia

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$55,310.00 CAD

53111 Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators

People in this occupation play a support role in the production of motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and the performing arts.

People in these careers work for:

  • Television and radio stations
  • Television and radio networks
  • Recording studios
  • Motion picture and video production companies
  • Theatre and stage companies

This occupational group includes projectionists who work for IMAX or automated cinemas and drive-in theatres.

Main duties & employment requirements

    Camera crane operators:

    • Set up, assemble, adjust, maintain and replace reels and projector equipment
    • Detect and repair mechanical and electrical problems
    • Change and install an electronic control panel using automated equipment

    Motion picture projectionists:

    • Check the condition of the copy
    • Set up and load film reels on movie and drive-in theatre projection systems
    • Adjust focus, sound levels and other projector and theatre settings
    • Maintain projection equipment

    Props persons and set builders:

    • Assemble, repair, place, build and oversee props

    Script assistants:

    • Distribute scripts to actors
    • Keep detailed notes of all actions, positions and camera angles
    • Photograph and date scenes

    Grips and riggers:

    • Rig, place, move and dismantle sets, backdrops, scenery and other stage equipment


    • Clean, maintain, transport and store costumes
    • Help performers to dress in costumes

    Production assistants:

    • Provide support to the director and producer
    • Are responsible for various aspects of production such as preparing schedules
    • Set up equipment
    • Make travel arrangements to various shooting locations

    Boom grip
    Camera crane operator
    Dresser - motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
    Lighting assistant
    Production assistant

Pr pathways

BC PNP - Tech

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