Science, Tech, Engineering and Math (STEM) PGWP Eligible

Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts

British Columbia

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$66,739.00 CAD

52119 Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts

This occupational group includes a range of technical, co-ordinating and supervisory workers who co-ordinate and perform specific activities for television, radio and motion picture productions, news broadcasts, theatre and stage productions, and other live or recorded productions.

People in this group:

  • Work for television and radio stations and networks, recording studios, motion picture and video production companies, concert promoters and theatre, stage and dance companies
  • Should have good interpersonal skills
  • Should have the ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Should be technically and mechanically inclined and have strong organizational skills
  • Should also be creative and able to follow detailed instructions
Main duties & employment requirements

    Floor managers:

    • Co-ordinate camera operators and other technical staff, and cue announcers, actors and performers during news broadcasts and television program tapings

    Key grips:

    • Supervise grips, gaffers and stagehands who rig, place, move and dismantle lights, sets, backdrops, scenery and other stage equipment

    Gaffers and lighting technicians:

    • Set up, operate and make repairs to lights and other electrical equipment in studios and on sets and stages

    Stunt co-ordinators and special effects technicians:

    • Design and co-ordinate special effects such as fires, explosions and crashes

    Makeup artists:

    • Apply cosmetic and special effects makeup on actors and other performers


    • Study scripts to determine the necessary costumes and oversee the acquisition, fitting and maintenance of costumes

    Settings shop forepersons:

    • Help prepare the construction specifications for sets

    Property masters:

    • Identify and list the necessary props and place them during rehearsals and performances


    Key grip
    Lighting technician
    Make-up artist - motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
    Program coordinator - broadcasting

Pr pathways

BC PNP - Tech

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