Hospitality Not PGWP Eligible

Tour and travel guides

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High School - 12

$41,712.00 CAD

64320 Tour and travel guides

Tour and travel guides, also known as tour directors or step-on tour guides, escort people on trips or give tours of locations of interest.

People in this occupation:

  • May travel with tourists to their destination
  • May work at a place of interest, such as a city, historical site or theme park
  • Provide background information, describe features and answer questions from visitors and tourists
  • Work for tour operators, tour guide agencies, convention services, attractions and other establishments
  • May be self-employed
  • Should have an interest in the travel destination or tour route they are presenting
  • Should have strong verbal communication skills for public speaking
  • Should have good planning skills as well as the ability to multitask
  • Have conflict resolution skills and the ability to manage large groups
  • Should be detail-oriented, customer-service oriented and an excellent driver
  • Should have knowledge of other languages
Main duties & employment requirements

    Tour guides:

    • Transport or escort individuals or groups on tours of cities, waterways and industrial and other establishments
    • Conduct tours that are less than one day in length
    • Describe points of interest, answer questions and provide information
    • Provide historical and cultural facts related to the site
    • May collect tour fees, which may require the use of a point of sale (POS) wireless terminal
    • May need to conduct pre-trip and post-trip vehicle inspections

    Travel guides/tour directors:

    • Escort individuals and groups on vacation and business trips
    • Conduct tours that are often longer than one day in length
    • Make sure that reservations for transportation and accommodations are confirmed and that itineraries are met
    • Visit and describe points of interest and plan and carry out recreational activities
    • Resolve problems with itineraries, service and accommodations
    • Take responsibility for the safety of the group

    Adventure travel site interpreter
    Bicycle tour guide
    Calèche driver
    Factory tour guide
    Industrial site interpreter
    Tour guide

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Disclaimer: SLE Planner is mainly focused on career mentorship, and guiding the students to prepare them for studies in Canada. This is also a platform for international students to connect with fellow alumni students in Canada. SLE Planner is not a Regulated Immigration Consultant, could not in anyway represent the student in immigration. We do not give legal advice unless it's facilitated by an Independent Regulated Immigration expert. Legal representation is subject for consultation/retainer agreement from the Independent Regulated Immigration Consultant.