
Aura Joy

40 credits per 45 minutes

Field of Expertise

  • Marketing Specialist
  • Expertise Summary

    Organizational skills Customer Service Creativity Administrative Attention to detail

    My Story

    Aura has been working as an Administrative Assistant for more than 5 years, she is currently in her second term in Diploma in Marketing at Kwantlen Polytechnic University.

    Disclaimer: SLE Planner is mainly focused on career mentorship, and guiding the students to prepare them for studies in Canada. This is also a platform for international students to connect with fellow alumni students in Canada. SLE Planner is not a Regulated Immigration Consultant, could not in anyway represent the student in immigration. We do not give legal advice unless it's facilitated by an Independent Regulated Immigration expert. Legal representation is subject for consultation/retainer agreement from the Independent Regulated Immigration Consultant.